©2024 boundary press
create a world that is of and for the worker. create a world of love.
This project was born out of a desire to contribute meaningfully to our world of image and design. The design landscape, particularly the one that must be navigated to ensure a stable career for oneself, is full of corporate entities utilizing design for profit with passive-agressive headnods and handshakes. I did not wish to contribute to a system I saw bastardizing an art I care deeply for. This is not to shame those who do corporate design for a living, paying rent and buying food must be done whether the work is fulflling or not.
I also hope to make clear that this is not a project launched to enrich oneself. I feel as though many projects that launch with communist or anti-capitalist beliefs at their core feel the need to argue for their own existence. It is a capitalist structure that this project exists within. That choice has been made for me. I do not wish to entertain the idea that attempting to design and educate while making a living under a capitalist regime is somehow hypocritical. This project did not install the regime it exists under nor does it yearn for it. I am launching this project out of pocket in hopes that it can be a stepping stone on one’s political journey, just as so many designers and publications were for me. I hope you are able to take something away from this project. If not from my work, I hope the resources provided prove useful on your journey of social and political education.
To liberation in our lifetime.